We agreed that we will be reading one book each time, and also that there is no pressure to read it if that is not possible sometimes. Members are still very welcome to come along if they haven't managed to read the book. We also agreed that we would be careful not to reveal the ending of a book to those who may not have finished it yet.
Most of us enjoyed the book, though to varying degrees from 'quite enjoyed' to 'couldn't put it down'. Several people said they knew what was going to happen, though many were also hoping for a different ending, right up until the inevitable conclusion. It was felt that the subject matter was portrayed sensitively and with humour and that the lighthearted, funny female lead Lou balanced the more melancholy character of Will very well. We found the story moving, in particular the part about the tattoo and the wedding dance were mentioned.
The sequel, After You, which some had read, was felt to be disappointing. The character of Lou, who had become independent and purposeful with the encouragement of Will, lost this in the second book, where she was not as proactive. We also felt there too many characters in the sequel.
Some of us had seen the film and felt that although not every single thing in the book had been put into the film, it was an accurate representation, when often films are considerably different. We felt this was because Jojo Moyes herself was responsible for the screenplay.
At some point during the hilarity of the evening, a little creative writing was suggested! We heard some hilarious stories about our experiences of work, and for those who would like to, we thought it might be fun to write 300-500 words on the subject of 'The World of Work (or How I Started)'. There is no pressure to take part, nothing will go any further than between the members of the book club and nothing will be published on the blog! If tonight's stories are anything to go by, we can look forward to some entertainment next time!
Our next book was chosen and this will be The Illusionists by Rosie Thomas, the author who wrote the Kashmir Shawl which we read as a group a few years ago. We'll be meeting on a Tuesday next time, the 20th September, at Margaret's house.
Happy Reading!