Monday, 27 June 2016

This is a bit late - sorry all! Eleven of us met on 8th June and it was good to welcome Jenny back after all her eventful travels, and to welcome new member Maureen.

Our 'book under review' was 'The Little Paris Bookshop' by Nina George and the discussion was very animated. All agreed that the descriptions of France and the countryside as the barge progressed south from Paris were excellent. After that, about half of us really enjoyed the story and characterisation and the rest of us were a bit 'iffy' (comments such as 'I got bored half way through'...). If you've read the book or not, here are a few questions! What did you think of the characters? Some of us were frustrated by Jean and Cuneo, who didn't seem to be able to get over their lost loves. Some wondered why Manon had just left a letter for Jean and not talked to him about her reason for going. and why on earth didn't he open the letter - leaving it for Catherine to do years later (general answer - men!!)? Why did Luc put up with Manon having a lover? What about the strange author of 'Southern Lights'? And then there were all the references to the books on the barge and how they were suited by Jean to the needs of various readers. Some of us found so many literary references just a little pretentious.

So.... having had a good chew of the rag, the book group went on to do what it excels at, discussing the usual eclectic mix of other books we had read since our last meeting. The Excellence of the Hedgehog. The Secret Keeper. Life after Life. In the Unlikely Event. The Butcher's Hook. The Cake Shop in the Garden. The Reader on the 6.27. Icons of England. Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. And so on. Lots of reviews, laughter, gossip (sorry - news exchange), refreshments and everything else that makes for an enjoyable book group meeting.

Next meeting is on Wednesday 27th July at Eirlys's home. Details will be sent nearer the time. We'll be discussing 'Me before You' by Jojo Moyes. Until then, happy reading!