Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Book Club So Far

Book Club

Book Club Meeting Three and August details
At the last get together the book club met at Elaine’s house and talked, among other things, about  two books we had jointly chosen the previous month – Trespass by Rose Tremain and The News Where you Are by Catherine O’Flynn.  Two very different books, one dark and sinister set in France  and the other funny and uplifiting set in a fictional city (could it be Birmingham?).   

There were shared takes on both books, but also some quite different conceptions from individual members.  That’s exactly what’s so interesting, meeting and discussing – voicing an opinion or listening and understanding others.    We don’t analyse too much just enjoy and appreciate a good read.

Next month we have chosen Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton and we will be meeting on 15th August at 7pm in Barking at the Japanese Restaurant Ouishi Sushi - a great opportunity to sample Japanese cuisine (not raw fish) and take another small literary journey, set in London this time.   Alternatively just listen, digest some excellent food and some interesting ideas from the fellow WI readers.  (We don’t have to agree on everything – except enjoying ourselves.)

Hope to welcome some new readers.

Details of the next book club - Wednesday 15th JuneBecause of all the bank holidays, we're meeting again on Wed 15th June at 7.30 at Elaine's house (details via emailing the blog) and we'll be reading 'Trespass' by Rose Tremain and 'The news where you are' by Catherine O'Flynn. Please don't feel you have to buy the books, as they can all be borrowed from libraries. Cheap secondhand books can be bought from site such as or, but watch the postage, which can sometimes cost more than the book! Hopefully some books will be available to borrow at the WI meetings in May and June. If you enjoy reading, come and join us - we're not terribly earnest and intense, just enjoy books and chat. If anyone is reading other books you'll be very welcome to talk about them too.

Book Club Meeting Two
16th March - another successful Book Group meeting - we discussed Alan Bennett's 'A life like other people's'. Sorry, Mr Bennett, but we weren't all that impressed. The book was taken from parts of his other writing and didn't seem to fit together very well. The larger part of it dealt with his mother's mental illness and eventual dementia, and although this was a bit depressing, it was interesting (and sometimes nerveracking) to read about the treatments taking place from the 1950's. Light relief was provided by his two eccentric aunts.
Book Club Meeting One
A first successful meeting for the Book Group. We discussed quite a few books that folk had read/enjoyed (not necessarily the same thing...) and it was good to know what other people were reading and what they thought. Fortunately no-one seemed shy at expresing a point of view! We discussed various web sites where  books could be bought cheaply, and found out about interesting book sales taking place from time to time at the Barbican library. We decided to meet monthly after all, on the third Wednesday of the month - and promptly had to alter that for April's meeting to avoid school Easter holidays. So there's a warm welcome for anyone else who would like to join us on Wednesday 13th April at 7.30, when we'll be discussing 'A Life Like Other People's' by Alan Bennett. Venue will be available via the blog and at the next WI meeting on 7th April if anyone has any breath to talk after the jiving! If you would like to come but can't get hold of, or haven't got time to read read the book, don't worry - you'll be very welcome