Wednesday, 5 October 2016


1. Met
2. Ate
3. Discussed chosen book
4. Listened to 3 offering on the world of work (see last blog)
5. Discussed all the other books we had read other than 3 above
6. Talked a lot more
7. Arranged a meal to beat the general Christmas eating
8. Sorted the 'Secret Santa' reads for January's meeting (date to be fixed)
9. Went home after more of 2 and 6

Better expand, I suppose, now I've actually accessed the blog....

1. Ten of us met.

2. Thanks, Victoria, for providing a great selection of eats.

3. Book was 'The Illusionists' by Rosie Thomas. As usual, comments were mixed. some couldn't put it down, others found it hard going, too long, felt the ending was weak or the main character wasn't developed strongly. All of us found the depth of research into Victorian theatre and the production of illusions fascinating. Some of the descriptions of late C19th London were almost Dickensian. Not sure what the score was, but there's a sequel, so look out for it!

4. A new venture for us, suggested on the spur of the moment - no more than 500 words on our introduction to the world of work. Victoria wrote about her determination to teach and her first experiences. Jo wrote about her time as a care assistant in a haunted house. Margaret wrote about her first Saturday job at the Co-op in Romford in 1962. It was all good humoured and well received and good material for the archive, so don't throw them away ladies! Hopefully we'll do something similar in the future.

5. Included 'The reader on the 6.27', 'The girl who saved the king of Sweden', 'Black Country', 'I see you', 'The Herring in the library', 'A hologram for the king', 'The crimson petal and the white', 'The rogue lawyer', 'Liar, liar', 'Orphan X' etc. So many books, and for those who use the library and can't remember which ones they've read, we heard that Carole's mother puts a small pencil mark in them before she takes them back.

7 and 8. Pre Christmas meal is Friday 4th November at Miller & Carter. Gill is going to help with a much needed cull of Margaret's book collection for the traditional 'Secret Santa'.

And that's about it for this meeting. A warm (if a bit noisy) welcome to any readers who would like to join us in January - contact Margaret via WI.