Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Summer Reading

Alison  hosted the April meeting and it was well attended by 8 of us. 
Once again we had interesting debates on a wide variety of topics, somewhere in amongst it all we did discuss books.
The success of the book swop at christmas, meant  we had no recommended shared read. Everyone either reviewed books swopped  or added into  the mix titles read since we last met.
The coffee table and floor were soon littered. It made it difficult to get to the cakes and biscuits. Which got soaked up with suitable beverages
Alison recommended a Radio 4 programme she has listened to, about a Ladies book club in the Twickeham /Teddington area.  It generated a lot of laughter, but we agreed to keep our format.
Chanel 4 Book Club  - recommendation as good reads  'Before I go to Sleep'  'The report'   10 books in all and the club had most of them between them. 
Everyone agreed  during the last year, we had introduced a varied number of genre and authors. We all remembered the  Alan Bennett month and our struggles to finish Charels Dickens 'Old Curiosity Shop'. Whilst everyone has different reading tastes, a club recommendation is always  well receieved,  we all listen to other opinions.  Each of us look forward to the feedback on choices. 
This format has encouraged many of the club to expand their reading material and seek out  linked topics briefly touched upon.
After much debate, we agreed to read for  July Book Club
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt  by Beth Hoffman
Next Meeting is a Elaine's on July 11th @19.30.  See you all there